About rackAID

Our Birth
Before founding rackAID in 2006, our founder, Jeff Huckaby, was an IT freelancer, working part-time while completing his graduate degree at Yale University. He quickly discovered clients had the same recurring server issues. Issues that could be avoided with proactive server management. So he abandoned the historical break-fix model of IT service providers and built flat-rate recurring service packages. The clearly defined terms and standards allowed rackAID to invest in automation to boost server performance, reliablity and security. Customers loved the new approach. They enjoyed a higher level of support at lower cost.
Linux Specialist
As a small team, we could not possibly master all of the emerging internet technologies. We decided to focus on Linux-powered hosting operations. We continue this focus today which allows us to provide in-depth and advanced support for Linux issues. Too often, IT generalists try to tackle problems they cannot solve. In the end, you spend more money and still have server issues. We avoid this problem by simply not accepting jobs we don’t know how to do. As a result, we get the problem fixed quickly and often at less total cost than budget server management providers.

Repeated Success Gains Recognition
In 2012, rackAID’s founder, Jeff Huckaby, was named as top MSP Mentor’s Top 250 most-influential Manage Service Provider list. The list recognizes managed service company executives who shape the global managed service market. The recognition came as we ditched the historical complicated hourly billing and ala carte support model. Instead, we focused on delivering high-value, flat rate services. These service changes allowed us to further automate our service delivery. As a result, ticket response times plummeted with more than 96% of critical issues being handled in 10 minutes or less. The business continued to see double digit growth as we invested in more automation, refined our services and boosted staff training.

Seven Years & Still Learning
Call us slow learners, but seven years since our founding, we are still finding better ways to do the most basic things. From backups to monitoring to security, we continually adapt our services to meet the ever changing challenges of running a business online. This is a core part of our approach — never stop improving. We measure ticket response times, ticket frequency, first-ticket close rates and other items to assure we continually improve our services. This commitment to do what it takes is reflected by our customer retention rate. We still have customers we signed up in 2006. You don’t stick with a company for seven years if they are not going a good job.
Staying Awesome & Delivering Great Value
For the last two years, we’ve been focused on packing even more value into our services. We do this by continually identifying key metrics that can serve as early indicators for server problems. For example, we monitor the email queue depth on servers we manage. We have found this to be an excellent indicator of spamming activity. This approach allows us to catch web site exploits, compromised end user accounts and other email issues before a server is blacklisted. By fine-tuning this monitor, our customers see far fewer email delivery issues. We monitor loads, processes and other data to detect other potential server problems. This is just one example of how we continually pack more and more value into our management services. From single servers to complex clusters handling 10’s millions of pages views, we work with our clients to assure they get the most for their IT dollars.

Our passion for what we do transfers into our support
Our Management Team
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